12 November 2007

Officially Employed

I put in applications at a few places around the area. And finally I hit pay dirt.

I turned in the application to a couple of local police departments and heard back from both. i got a letter from one and the other a call. I went in to the later and had an interview that lasted all of about ten minutes, then I was told to wait outside for the determination. Two minutes later I congratulated and started filling out paperwork for my new employment.

So now I've got to take the police academy entrance exam, which I've been told is on a 8th grade reading level. Makes you feel safe doesn't it. Although the police academy shouldn't be too bad, I get to memorize a lot of numbers to speak to others rather than actually speaking. Its fine though.

So in the near future I will be an officer of the law, and thats just frightening!


Anonymous said...


And so you know....I feel MUCH safer with someone like you holdin' a badge!


Green said...

Congrats! We're both gainfully employed now!