29 October 2007

Family Reunion

So I just got my Harley back Friday. So therefore I must ride as much as possible.

I got my bike back and skipped class to ride that afternoon and my mom told me about a family reunion up in Dublin earlier in the week. Perfect timing for me to ride. So I head out on Saturday to visit some friends who live in McRae and socialize. I went by and saw my boy from Iraq and we started to watch the Georgia game. It was good times.

Afterward I head on to Dublin and see some family who were already there for the reunion. We ate dinner and talked about the last decade where I didn't see some of them. It was good to catch-up and see how everyone was doin.

Spent the night with my Uncle Mike. Got up the next morning and got some breakfast at the Awful Waffle. Afterwards we headed back to the house got things ready and rode out to the family reunion. After the meal I talked Harley talk with some kin folk and rode back to the house. All in all a good weekend for a relaxin ride.

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