30 April 2008

Being the Man

Working as a police officer can be boring at times, but others you're busy as hell.

The other day we go to serve a search warrant in a known drug area to show the public we are combating the problem and to get the drugs off the street. We get the group together and get ready to go hit this house. Me being the youngest and most physically fit in the group, which by the way I'm out of shape, not too bad though. Anyway I digress, I was told if anyone ran from the scene I was to give chase and grab them. Immediately the though came to mind I might have to tackle, I mean help, anyone who ran to the ground, so I was looking forward to that. Is it bad that I like to hurt bad people? But no one ran, the search was fine until the crowd started to form.

Everyone in the house was brought outside while a few officers searched the house and brought in the dog. Standard stuff. All people involved were calm and fine until relatives and friends started to show up. Then what is known as the "Threat Display" starts. The "Threat Display" is a theory shared by some of our officers in my department. It goes like this, people will not make a show about how they are pissed off with the cops until a outside factors acts on their pride, reputation, or ego. When the outside factor comes into play, in this case being the crowd of people, thats when people start raising their voices and accusing the police of some injustice of some sort. Also at this point everyone becomes a legal expert and begins to tell you how to be a policeman.

Anyway so he "Threat Display" begins an officer turns of his camera as to cover us in the event I have to beat the brakes off someone, 'cause anyone who knows me knows I don't take kindly to people who don't know what they're fucking talking about, get diarrhea of the mouth. I remain calm and collected throughout the verbal assault of myself and other officers. Up until the point the race card is pulled out. Now I go to DEFCON 3. I'm still calm and collected but any sudden moves make we want to hurt people. So then the Chief goes into Alpha Male Mode as I call it a raises his voice so the whole crowd can hear. Basically he states that the next person to yell in front of the children present in the crowd will be arrested for disorderly conduct, and "If we have to get a bus up here to take everyone to jail we can do it!" Hell yeah Chief! Good on you Mate!

Needless to say the crowd quickly became quite and subsequently dispersed. So we took some drugs off the street, and a bad guy goes to federal do me in the butt prison. All in all it was a good day.

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